July 25, 2012
July 25, 2012 marks day one of Madrid Protocol operations in the
Philippines and it is sure to bring changes in the country’s trademark
landscape. Philippine trademark holders and applicants can now file
trademark applications in different countries through the IPOPHL,
instead of applying separately in every country of interest. There are a
number of factors to consider whether to take the Madrid route or opt
for direct/national filing.
BNU has spent the past two months configuring office operations to
accommodate services for Madrid Protocol transactions. The partners,
associates and paralegals have attended all the Madrid Training Sessions
conducted by IPOPHL. As a result, the Firm will be listed in the WIPO
website as among the local representatives trained in the Madrid system.
The partners have also conducted seminars to interested clients that are
considering the Madrid route in expanding and maintaining their
trademark portfolios abroad.
Because the Madrid system allows direct interface between the IB/WIPO
and the client, BNU foresees an increase in its dealings with the IB/WIPO.
To obviate errors in the remittance of payments to the IB/WIPO, BNU has
opened a WIPO account to facilitate transactions under the Madrid
Protocol and Patent Cooperation Treaty.
IPOPHL recognized BNU for its advocacy: “To facilitate payments for
Madrid Protocol transactions, the law office of Bengzon Negre Untalan
Intellectual Property Attorneys (BNU), led by Attorney Ferdinand Negre,
the leading advocate of Madrid Protocol in the country, opened a Swiss
current account with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).”
With the new trademark filing system in place, Filipino business owners
now have an alternative in seeking trademark protection abroad. Through
competent legal advice, they should be able to choose the faster, easier
and more cost-effective route of expanding their businesses abroad.